50 tamariki just like me need your help.

$20 a week can help Change a life. Sponsor a child today.

“You’ll get real better. Like a world champion…”

Why sponsor?

It’s about the long game. The effects of choosing to sponsor go well beyond the child. With early intervention,these tamariki will be able to change their circumstances, their families and their own children’s lives through the vehicle of sport.

Healthy, contributing kids means a healthier community for all of us.

Where does the money go?

  • In a snap shot Hoa Motuhake Sports Trust is a local charity that helps disadvantaged and at risk tamariki from 8-12 years old through our sports mentor program in the Canterbury region. Although our focus is on sport, our main work with the tamariki is around their hauroa, confidence, whānaungatanga and the building of positive behavioural patterns. We believe all tamariki should have the opportunity to play sport and that sport is the perfect vehicle for change. Through sport we are creating new support communities which we call ”Pathways to Change.”

  • $20 a week over 5 years directly keeps the child in the program giving them their best chance of success. Sponsoring means that they will have the funding for the Sports Mentor Program, Scholarship Program, fees, equipment and transport. It is a long term commitment that matches the 5 years we work with the child providing additional support through a dedicated program co-odinator.

    You can cancel your sponsorship at any time.

  • Simply click below and you’ll be stepped through how to become a sponsor. For businesses, we can issue invoices yearly or as required.

    You can do it as an individual, a family or a group of flatmates. It’s up to you.

  • Once you’ve decided to sponsor a child, you will receive updates throughout the year of your child’s progress, and invitations to key events. We will even put you on our “MVP Thank You Wall”.

    You will receive annual receipts for your charitable donations.

What difference will $20 make?


The longer we can keep tamarki in the program the more likely they can have longterm success. They are able to continue building and refining tools to develop positive response patterns, friendships, increased well-being and all the benefits that sports can bring.

It allows them to become part of the community they often feel they don’t belong in or could contribute to.

“This program has turned my son’s life around.”

A wonderful by-product of the program has been increased family connection through the strengthening of one-on-one relationships.

Often, these positives in the home have transferred to school and increased positive social behaviours.

My son appreciates himself a lot more; he has a new sense of self-improvement.”

Building a community support network through sport and clubs takes time. The program allows tamariki to participate in as many activities as possible. The flow-on effect of this is that each time, tamariki are introduced to new mentors through coaches, teammates and the clubs themselves. These relationships and support can last well into their teens and adult years.

“I’ve seen it many, many times. The benefit of sport.”

Change a life. Sponsor a child.

Our little stories

There are a myriad of circumstances that make up the tamariki involved in the Trust. A large proportion of our participants come from high deprivation and intergenerational trauma-affected homes. Other tamariki are in State care or belong to families that just need a helping hand.

From experience, we recognise that by equipping our tamariki with new tools and instilling positive behavioural patterns then the lessons that they  acquire through this program will have a longer and more profound effect later in their lives. 

“You can’t score by yourself, you need
a team to help you”

Everyone is different and it’s
okay to be different.”

Sport has taught me to be
courageous and brave.”

“Sport makes me happy. It inspires me.”

Thank you to all our recent supporters.

Special shoutout to new MVP “Campbell Parker” local restauranteur and businessman. Campbell has become our first “Sponsor a Child” sponsor. His contribution is keeping a very keen cyclist on the track.

Proud to be a support partner of Hoa Motuhake. Making a difference in the lives of kids through sport is an awesome thing to be a part of.

It takes all of us to make a difference

From landscapers to flatmates and brothers to parents to pilots to local corporate organisations. As a community, together, we can bring an amazing amount of positive change for these tamariki, their families and our community well into the future.

Join me and the team.